Chairman - John Stanford 01884 798513

Vice Chairman - Dr Kim Gibbs 07974075680

Treasurer - John Stanford 01884 798513

Secretary - Mike Spiller 01404 43397 (07779308093)

Membership Secretary - John Stanford (as above)

Fish Recorder - Pete Riggs  07925220697

Shore Secretary - Tom Travers 07794578711

Boat Secretary - Pete Riggs (As above)

Trophy Secretary - Alan Deacon 07725030587 / Chris Mills 

Social Secretary - Barry Hawkins 07964142715

Casting Secretary - Barry Codling  07874942205/Nick Fox 07728756438

Junior Secretary - Karl Allen  07810127332

Newsletter Editor - Mike Spiller (As above)

Club welfare officer - Stu Pike 07914988040


If anyone would like to come along and join our hard working officers and committee, please do so.

We would like to see some fresh blood come into the club.